Email, Phone and Fax Extractor is an advanced email, phone and fax collector, harvester, spider tool with exclusive email filtering program and merging data which helps you in email marketing for your business, product or services.
The program collects and compiles e-mails, phone and fax numbers from the websites around the world using the keywords you enter for! The websites found by popular search engine will be analyzed by this application using the keyword you entered as search string. The program will spider, grab, crawl, rip, harvest, extract and parse for the items.
• Spider Web to find email addresses, phone and fax numbers from the Websites, Any Search engines or Web Directories.
• Optimized data extraction from most popular Search Engines and Directories like Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Hotbot, AOL, MSN, web crawler etc. and ability to add any new search engine.
• Support search engines from 48 different countries.
• Support target keywords - single or multi keywords.
• Extract data using local text files containing URLs list.
• Extract data from sites with specific domain Like .com, .ca , .de and others
• Multi threaded application, allows multiples email extractions simultaneously with automatic optimization.
• Searches Dynamic Web Pages nearly any Web Site on the World Wide Web, including search engines, even those generated on-the-fly by dynamic CGI, PHP, ASP, etc.
• Export data to a Text file, CSV, Excel, HTML, one per line, colon, semicolon delimiters format.
• Customizable extracting and preference settings.
• Very fast and multithreaded - Process whole directories using a file queue.
• Easy-to-use, straightforward and user friendly interface.
• Native versions for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.